Programs & services

To inquire about a program, call 570-376-3646 or email  



Matching pets needing loving families to families needing loving pets is at the core of what we do. It requires active networking in-person at the sanctuary and in the community; online through Facebook, Instagram, PetFinder and Adopt a Pet; and in-print in the local newspaper. As needed, fosters serve as temporary homes to get the dog or cat ready for their Perfect Match.


Occasionally we have a cat who has endured an accident, loss of eyesight, a health condition or even a traumatic experience that places him/her beyond the range of normalcy. “The Tenth Life” is a new program we have initiated to provide an opportunity for a new lease on life with a very special one-of-a-kind home. A cat that falls under our “Tenth Life” umbrella receives a unique individualized package that helps him/her and his/her caregivers. This program offers resources to help these unfortunate creatures regain trust, love, and a sense of devotion. If you are interested in opening your heart to helping a “tenth life” cat get its purr back, please contact us.


Trauma, family changes and other events sometimes separate a dog from his/her family. Sometimes these dogs are left without a home. We have occasionally had these unfortunate animals placed into our care. They are often in need of unique care and love. Finding each a special caring family to treasure may be difficult. “Grey Whiskers” offers very special responses to help these animals regain trust, love, and renewed devotion. If you are interested in becoming that special caring home, please contact us. The next Grey Whiskers candidate may be your next best friend!

Pet-owner assistance


The lives of many of our Senior Citizens and disabled individuals are both enriched and sustained by their much loved pets. These true companions give comfort, warmth, conversation, and even a sense of purpose. They only ask for love in return. Occasionally these folks find their animals in need of veterinary care, be it spay/neutering or a physical ailment, and they find need for financial or other assistance. Second Chance's Compassion program helps provide veterinary care and veterinary expenses. 

H.O.P.E (Helping Our Pets Eat)

HOPE provides food for pets of people experiencing an emergency such as a house fire or other natural disaster. Second Chance Sanctuaries is listed by many area emergency organizations as a "to call" provider in case such a situation arises.



Thoughts about change, passions and perceptions form when we are young. Our educational programs are fun, fresh and exciting. They are planned to allow young minds a voice, to warm hearts, challenge minds, laugh and become involved. The puppets, people and pets the young participants interact with teach them how to care for pets, understand pets and how to help if problems with pets arise.

Stray/feral cats 


This program assists people caring for feral and/or stray cat colonies. Donations of cat food to the sanctuary allows us to provide monthly food allotments to these feline homesteads. Monetary donations are used to assist with spay/neuter and vaccines, which helps stabilize what can quickly become an overwhelming situation for compassionate caretakers.